Acuff appointed chair of Department of Arts Administration, Education and Policy

Joni Boyd Acuff, professor in the Department of Arts Administration, Education and Policy (AAEP), has been named the department’s chair for a four-year term, effective July 1, 2022, pending approval by the Board of Trustees. Acuff earned her PhD in art education from Ohio State and has been a faculty member in the department since 2013. She currently serves as AAEP’s graduate studies chair and diversity chair with a goal to recruit, admit and retain students from racially and ethnically diverse backgrounds. Acuff has recently been published in journals including Art Education; Dialogue: The International Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy; and International Journal of the Inclusive Museum. The National Art Education Association has presented her with three awards in the last five years: the Mary J. Rouse Early Career Award (2017), the J. Eugene Grigsby Award for culturally engaged research (2019) and the Manual Barkan Award for scholarly merit (2020). Acuff is an expert in culturally relevant pedagogy and curriculum development; critical race theory in art education; critical multicultural art education; and race and art education.