Biology major thrives thanks to John D. and Marguerite M. Sullivan Scholarship

A biological science scholar majoring in biology and minoring in biothetics and global public health, senior Katie McGreal has served in many roles in her time as a Buckeye.
She also represents the College of Arts and Sciences on this year’s Homecoming Court.
“It feels like a really great honor,” said Katie of her nomination. “I love the College of Arts and Sciences — the scholarships I have received, all my professors, all the classes I’ve taken and everything I’ve done with the biology major. I’m really proud and honored to serve as that face, especially for our college.”
When Katie first came to Ohio State, she became instantly involved. Along with a handful of other groups, she joined Club Swimming as a freshman and now serves as the club’s nationals coordinator.
While COVID put many of her plans and activities on hold, she has continued work at theJames Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute, researching endometrial cells to improve treatments and outcomes with cancer diagnoses. Her goal is to ultimately become a doctor specializing in oncology.
This year, Katie is the recipient of the John D. and Marguerite M. Sullivan Scholarship. Through donor support, her financial stress has been significantly reduced. “I’m incredibly grateful, and my parents are incredibly grateful,” she says. “It’s really helped to take the burden off my family. It’s really helped me to be able to focus on school.”
The College of Arts and Sciences congratulates Katie on her Homecoming nomination, her scholarship and for her many accomplishments as a Buckeye.