June 3, 2021
Logan discusses the lingering economic impact of the Tulsa Race Massacre

One hundred years after the devastation, Trevon Logan, Hazel C. Youngberg Trustees Distinguished Professor of Economics, reflects on the lingering effects of racial violence, what reparations could do to heal and plans from the Biden administration to close the racial wealth gap.
- In this op-ed for Bloomberg, Logan discusses the extent to which racial violence has been tied to American economics and how white supremacy has obstructed Black prosperity since the Reconstruction Era.
- In a video segment for Yahoo Finance, Logan offers his insights on the how the economic ramifications of the Tulsa Race Massacre have endured and how reparations are imperative to closing the racial wealth gap.
- On an episode of the USA Today podcast “5 Things,” Logan joins a conversation about how the Tulsa Race Massacre is only one example of how racial violence and economic injustices have lasting impacts on society today.