Renga Named Chair of French and Italian

June 26, 2017

Renga Named Chair of French and Italian

Dana Renga, associate professor of Italian and film, has been appointed chair of the Department of French and Italian, effective July 1, 2017.

Renga works on Italian film and television and has published articles and book chapters on Italian cinema and television, Italian popular culture, and modern and contemporary Italian poetry and literature. She is the author of Unfinished Business: Screening the Italian Mafia in the New Millennium (University of Toronto Press, 2013), the editor of Mafia Movies: A Reader (University of Toronto Press, 2011, second edition forthcoming) and co-edits The Italianist film issue.

She is working on a book called Angels of Evil: Sympathetic Perpetrators on Small Italian Screens and the co-authored A Long Holiday: Internal Exile in Fascist Italy (under contract, The University of Manchester Press). Renga teaches courses on Italian film and television at both the undergraduate and graduate level and regularly teaches two general education courses on Italian cinema and Mafia movies.

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