Hardie finds the human element in field work
When people ask fourth-year student Megan Hardie what she studies at Ohio State, she tells them: “I study you. I study myself. I study everyone, basically.” The St. Louis native‘s love of studying…
Excellence in Outreach and Engagement
Janet M. Box-Steffensmeier, interim executive dean and vice provost; Luis Casian, dean for natural and mathematical sciences/graduate education; Peter Hahn, dean for arts and humanities/…
The Ohio Field School: Student research on-site in Scioto County
Folklore isn’t all old wives tales and urban legends — it’s about documenting cultures and communities here and now. That’s why the Center for Folklore Studies (CFS) at Ohio State has been…
Pursuing a passion for anthropology through the Summer Research Opportunities Program
Nearly 35 years ago, the Big Ten Academic Alliance founded the Summer Research Opportunities Program to connect underrepresented students from across the nation with valuable research experience…
Humanity and the Humanities: A Day with Frederick Luis Aldama
Reflection by Breanne LeJeune of the Department of English, 2017
It’s 11 o’clock on an unseasonably hot September morning, and long lines of elementary school students walk single-file…
A Dinosaur for Orton
View all 2018 High Points >
There’s a saying around the Orton Geological Museum: “Every 3rd grader is a paleontologist.”
When Orton Museum Director Bill Ausich and Curator…
Center for Folklore Studies to launch traveling exhibit: “Placemaking in Scioto County, Ohio”
The traveling exhibit “Placemaking in Scioto County, Ohio,” a collaboration between the Center for Folklore Studies, Shawnee State University and community partners throughout Scioto County,…
Spotlight: Chemistry and Biochemistry Joint Safety Team
In 2013, Susan Olesik, professor and chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (CBC) tasked graduate students with the creation of a student-led safety group in hopes of creating an…
Anthropology Public Outreach Program promotes human diversity in community
It’s called APOP, and its gaining support not just at Ohio State, but also in the greater Columbus community.
APOP stands for the Anthropology Public Outreach Program. Initially devised in…