

man doing yoga while a dog watches from the couch

Breathe, don’t vent: Turning down the heat is key to managing anger

Venting about a source of anger might feel good in the moment, but it’s not effective at reducing the rage, new research suggests. Instead, techniques often used to address stress – deep breathing…

David Staley, Associate Professor of History

To survive, colleges must evolve into ‘knowledge enterprises’ that serve communities

Founded in 1818, Franklin College in New Athens, Ohio, was one of the first colleges in the state. Sadly, it closed just over a century later, in 1919. Why? A failure to adapt, said David J.…

Students at the Denman Awards

Arts and Sciences undergraduate researchers win awards at 2024 Denman Undergraduate Research Forum

The College of Arts and Sciences congratulates the undergraduate researchers who received awards at the 2024 Richard J. and Martha D. Denman Undergraduate Research Forum.  27 students…

tax day

A mental process that leads to putting off an unpleasant task

Putting off a burdensome task may seem like a universal trait, but new research suggests that people whose negative attitudes tend to dictate their behavior in a range of situations are more…

a black cow drinking water

Microbial viruses act as secret drivers of climate change

In a new study, scientists have discovered that viruses that infect microbes contribute to climate change by playing a key role in cycling methane, a potent greenhouse gas, through the environment…

Girls basketball team

Parents, wealth, race drive girls’ chances to play sports

The likelihood that a girl will participate in high school sports in the United States is driven not so much by individual choice, new research suggests. Instead, decisions made by parents, the…

Students working in the Reading Experience lab

Department of English launches reader experience lab

Christa Teston, an associate professor of English at The Ohio State University, runs the department’s reader experience, or RX, lab. A spinoff of UX labs, which study user experience for products…

Loren Babcock

Why two prehistoric sharks found in Ohio got new names

Until recently, Orthacanthus gracilis could have been considered the “John Smith” of prehistoric shark names, given how common it was.

Three different species of sharks from the late…

taking photos of elephants and zebras at a watering hole

Imageomics poised to enable new understanding of life

Imageomics, a new field of science, has made stunning progress in the past year and is on the verge of major discoveries about life on Earth, according to one of the founders of the discipline.…