
Viruses that can help ‘dial up’ carbon capture in the sea
Armed with a catalog of hundreds of thousands of DNA and RNA virus species in the world’s oceans, scientists are now zeroing in on the viruses most likely to combat climate change by helping trap…

Determining who gets blamed when cars hit pedestrians
A new study examines the circumstances behind who is found at fault when cars hit pedestrians in an urban area.
Results showed that the environment where the crash took place – especially…

Gaudi joins 2024 class of American Astronomical Society Fellows
Scott Gaudi, Thomas Jefferson Professor for Discovery and Space Exploration and a Distinguished Scholar in the Department of Astronomy at The Ohio State University, has been named a 2024 Fellow of…

Ohio State experts explore role of arts, sciences in promoting economic opportunity
The Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences (ACS) brought together students, faculty and alumni to present research spanning a variety of disciplines aimed at better supporting…

Feb. 8, 2024: How emotions affect word retrieval in people with aphasia
People with aphasia have more trouble coming up with words they want to use when they’re prompted by images and words that carry negative emotional meaning, new research suggests.

After prison, perpetrators of genocide say they’ve changed
After serving decades in prison, Rwandans convicted of crimes of genocide returned to their communities articulating a “narrative of redemption,” saying they were good people, despite their past…

Evaluating the Industries of Ideas
Faculty at the College of Arts and Sciences and the John Glenn College of Public Affairs spearhead Ohio State’s work on a U.S. National Science Foundation, $4.5 million pilot project to answer…

How ‘deaths of despair’ differ by race and ethnicity
White Americans are more likely than Black and Hispanic people in the United States to experience “deaths of despair” even though they are less likely to suffer from severe psychological distress…

How a double major in college can protect future income
Here’s one good reason for college students to consider a double major: It could soften the blow to their incomes from future economic slumps.
A new national study found that double majors…