
2019 High Points
The College of Arts and Sciences houses compelling artists, inquisitive scholars, brilliant scientists and dynamic spaces. We are excited to share some of this year’s high points as we…

Heritage, legacy drives Newark Earthworks Center director
The east entrance of the Newark Earthwork's Great Circle.
Encompassing over 4 square miles and…

'Sonder' introduces gaming tech to film world
The short film “Sonder” flows between the aesthetics of 2D and 3D animation to share the story of Finn as he tries to move forward when a relationship comes to an end. At times, the characters,…

Dance students bring DaNCe2U#MentalHealth to regional campuses
The movements in Anna Sokolow’s choreographed “Rooms” carry the same emotional weight almost 65 years…

English PhD student curates scary selection of literary horror for Halloween season
What frightens you, tingles your spine, gives you that isolating sense of dread?
For some, it’s monsters — grotesque creatures that are unnatural yet unnervingly human. For others, it’s…

"HalleBOOia!" keeps audiences on the edge of their seats
The School of Music’s HalleBOOia! is an annual ruckus. Music students dress up as mummies, The Beatles, Beanie Babies and bumblebees to surprise the audience with a…

Get scared with these Halloween movie picks
Draw the curtains. Dim the lights. Secure the popcorn. And get ready to be scared.
We checked in with some Arts and Sciences experts to hand-pick some choice horror movies for your…

To-scale solar system now orbiting around CBEC
View all 2019 High Points >
A new cosmic art installation on campus…

Hello, piccolos! More than 70 piccolos to join TBDBITL on Saturday
When the opportunity arose, professor in the School of Music Katherine Borst Jones didn’t need time to think. How could she say no to this?
After all, it’s not every day piccolos get…