
100% TBDBITL campaign raises more than $8.6 million for marching band scholarships
Through the concentrated, 18-month 100% TBDBITL campaign, Buckeyes came together to raise more than $8.6 million for marching band student scholarships. With this transformational impact to…

Art alumna's new film making international splash
On the surface, art alumna Jennifer Reeder’s film, “Knives and Skin,” is a bold, dark and unexpected teen drama packed with curious characters and unique artistic details. Bubbling below the film’…

Outreach program brings middle school girls to ACCAD
Maria Palazzi remembers teaching a class that had no women in it.
“It was striking to me,” she recalled, “that this thing I love so much — computer animation — that there were no women…

Alum, art director for Netflix's "Twelve Forever" credits philosophy degree
Paul Hornschemeier wasn’t satisfied by how the flying camera was blasting cheese slices at the gigantic monster.
“The slices that were missing his mouth weren’t bouncing off his chest in…

2018 Ratner Distinguished Teaching Award Winners
Five Arts and Humanities faculty members in the College of Arts and Sciences have been chosen to receive the 2018 Ronald and Deborah Ratner Distinguished Teaching Awards:
Sara Crosby,…
English PhD student researches teenage girls and 90s pop culture
The image of the teenage girl was central to 1990s pop culture (think “Clueless,” “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “10 Things I Hate About You”).
And in turn — between “Full House” and “Boy…

Ohio State filmmakers teach students with autism how to make movies
Matt and Nikki Swift teaching students at Bridgeway Academy about storyboarding and film composition.…

Fairies, fantasy to be focus of CMRS conference
Beneath the familiar and lovable Tinker Bell, there is a world of history, lore and theory surrounding fairies that begins as early as Homer’s mention of “watery fairies” in The Iliad circa …

An artwork with the power of multiple universes
Imagine seeing the universe.
Now imagine seeing five.
That’s exactly what the room-sized, cosmology-inspired artwork “Island Universe” seeks to portray. The elaborate installation…