Thank you for your incredible support! A message from fourth-year chemistry major Henry Arthur
My name is Henry Arthur and I am a fourth-year chemistry major. I toured Ohio State on the recommendation of a few of my favorite high school teachers and I realized this was the right environment…
Working Past Partisanship
In today’s hyper-partisan political environment, many people refuse to listen to any perspective that doesn’t reflect their own views. Is it even possible to imagine a world that runs on civil…
2023 Ohio State Alumni Award honorees announced
Congratulations to the College of Arts and Sciences alumni who received 2023 Alumni Awards from the Ohio State Alumni Association! The alumni association's awards program celebrates…
Tillman Scholar would never tell you how great he is
Army veteran, researcher, do-gooder, David Hibler ’12, ’12, ’20 MS is earning a PhD in evolution, ecology and organismal biology and helping other vets feel at home.
She uses her pure energy for good
On a single day, Department of Anthropology alumna Gretchen Klingler ’19 may be leading a local VFW post and leading veterans in meetings on Capitol Hill. A war veteran working to make war rare,…
Maggie Smith and Kathy Fagan talk poetry & life
Professor of Creative Writing Kathy Fagan was on the phone with a pharmacy when she learned she’d won a Guggenheim Fellowship after publishing her newest book, Bad Hobby.
In her art, Tiffany Lawson imagines a bright future
By day a deputy bailiff, this artist has made a name for herself sharing her hopes and views via her mixed-media works.
Nods to Drake Union live on in new theatre building
Students and teachers in the Department of Theatre, Film and Media Arts will learn and work next to reminders of a strong legacy.