

Arts and Sciences researchers recognized as highest-cited faculty worldwide

Roger Ratcliff, a Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Psychology, ranks among the top 1%…

Wonderworks book cover and Angus Fletcher headshot

Literature heals, boosts creativity and courage, says Angus Fletcher in new book 'Wonderworks'

When some people think about literature, they think foreshadowing, metaphors and allegories. When Angus Fletcher thinks about literature, he imagines unraveling why the experience of reading can…

Kip Curtis at microfarm

Mansfield Microfarms craft sustainable urban agriculture model

Kip Curtis and Mansfield microfarm volunteers in 2019. Photo courtesy Kip Curtis.

Back in the ’70s…

Jared Gardner

Jared Gardner named director of Humanities Institute

Professor Jared Gardner, the Joseph V. Denney Designated Professor of English and the director of the Popular Culture Studies program, has been named director of the Humanities Institute at Ohio…

Miriam Burns conducting the Ohio State Symphony Orchestra

Annual concerto competition continues despite COVID challenges

Miriam Burns conducts the Ohio State Symphony Orchestra.

As a young violinist at Ohio State…

"Introducing Jhumpa Lahiri"

Janice Aski and Jhumpa Lahiri discuss the power of language learning

Janice Aski, professor in the Department of French and Italian, was searching for a familiar face to feature in videos alongside the 5th edition of the Italian elementary language textbook …

President Donald Trump shakes hands with Capt. David Guluzian of the U.S. Navy

Q&A with Col. Peter Mansoor on civil-military relations

To maintain American democracy’s integrity, it’s vital to respect, uphold and protect certain boundaries between…

Ohio State Oval at Dawn

2020 Ratner Distinguished Teaching Award Winners

Four Arts and Humanities faculty members in the College of Arts and Sciences have been selected to receive a 2020 Ronald and Deborah Ratner Distinguished Teaching Award:

Artistic depiction of the experiment featuring self-referenced attosecond streaking

Clocking the movement of electrons inside an atom

Scientists dramatically enhance the achievable resolution at X-ray free-electron lasers with new technique

Hard X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) have delivered intense, femtosecond X-ray pulses…