
Ten Arts and Sciences experts take stage at TEDxOhioStateUniversity event
Every spring semester, TEDxOhioStateUniversity hosts an event featuring Ohio State students, faculty,…

New minor combines public health and the arts
Crack is Wack mural by artist Keith Haring.
From anti-tobacco ads starting in the 70s, to the…

Mayo Peer-to-Peer Mentoring Program boosts representation in field of design
Buckeyes give: View the top stories from 2021-22
Joseph Wisne (BA, Psychology, ’86) and Bridgette Mariea (BA, English, ’89) believe deeply in the importance of representation across…

Arts and Humanities Inaugural Lecture Series returns with renewed vigor
The Arts and Humanities Inaugural Lecture Series has been a source of pride for faculty promoted to the rank of professor, a source of inspiration for colleagues and a source of…

‘Supremely Tiny Acts’: A new, inventive book from alumna Sonya Huber
Sonya Huber didn’t have the idea to write her latest book until the afternoon of the “anxiety-fueled” day it…

TBDBITL Scholarship Fund enables fourth-year sousaphone to take the field
Dylan PenkaTBDBITL Scholarship Fund
My name is Dylan Penka, and I am a fourth-year sousaphone in TBDBITL. Since the first time my feet hit the turf of the ‘Shoe, I have loved being…

Weigel Memorial Scholarship opens doors for music education major
Michael MayerEugene Weigel Memorial Scholarship for Music Education
I am in my fifth year at Ohio State, and I study music education. Though I had the chance to graduate in the traditional…

Becker Scholarship Fund contributes to dance student's invaluable experience
Meghan MulcahyStella J. Becker Scholarship Fund
My name is Meghan Mulcahy, and I am a third-year in the Department of Dance. I am honored to be a recipient of the Stella J. Becker…

Professor Angus Fletcher speaks at the Chautauqua Institution
, professor in the Department of English and Ohio State’s Project Narrative, the world’s leading academic think…