
Arts and Sciences students shine at 2025 Denman Undergraduate Research Forum
A number of College of Arts and Sciences undergraduate researchers received awards at the 2025 Richard J. and Martha D. Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. 25 students from 12 majors placed…

Another way longer paternity leaves help new parents
A longer paternity leave after the birth of a child can improve the co-parenting relationship between moms and dads in a key way, a new study finds.
Researchers found that mothers were less…

Love Data Week: Is using social media data in research ethical?
Experts met virtually this week to discuss the ethical use of social media data in research in a panel hosted by the College of Arts and Sciences’ Center for Ethics and Human Values at The Ohio…

Asia Society Hong Kong Center hosts discussion with Ohio State Dean David Horn
The Asia Society Hong Kong Center hosted David Horn, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at The Ohio State University, for a conversation about “Why the Liberal Arts Matter” on February 7.…

2024’s Top Stories in the Arts and Sciences
A lot happened in the College of Arts and Sciences in 2024. Let's take a look back at some of our top stories from the past 12 months as we get ready to share another year of excellence,…

How to deal with narcissists at home and at work
The best way to deal with narcissistic people in your personal life may be the hardest advice to take, according to an expert who has studied narcissism for more than 20 years.
The best…

This Ohio State lab helps people find their voice
The Language, Assistive Technology, and Autism Lab studies how to help nonspeaking kids and others express themselves using devices.

Community of hope
For people who struggle to communicate, Ohio State’s Aphasia Initiative offers a lifeline. It’s all thanks to a skilled leader, generous alumni and students who care.

What Our Media Choices Say About Us
After a stressful day, many of us turn to the television as a way to cope. A way to escape and connect with our favorite characters. And which shows we choose to watch provides insight into our…